Monday, December 16, 2013

My First Post

Hey there!

So, this is my first ever blog post, and I'm kinda super excited to start blogging.  I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but I just went through the most grueling semester of my life and I had to make it through finals.  But finals are over, and I can finally breathe!

I started thinking about blogging after discovering the world of Youtube vloggers.  I found it interesting that these totally normal people were sharing their lives and their thoughts with thousands of complete strangers, I being one of those strangers.  Then I started thinking, "I could totally do that! I think I'm mildly entertaining..."  But I preferred being anonymous to putting my face on camera for the world to see.  Also, I keep a journal with my daily thoughts and insights so I'm already comfortable with writing about what I'm thinking.  I figured my feelings may very well be shared with some other people.  Why not share them with others and see if I can start some interesting conversations?  

Also, I'm at that point in life where I'm dealing with a lot of change and new experiences.  I find myself contemplating life and the future and relationships and careers and goals and all kinds of other topics.  It's a lot to deal with, and writing it out really helps me sort it out.  

And so here I am.  I'm wanting to use this blog almost like my personal journal to share my thoughts.  Thoughts that you may be dealing with, or thoughts that may be totally unique to my crazy brain.  

One last note: A journal of this type will obviously encompass some personal information, but I'm wanting to remain as anonymous, just for some mystery.  However, every time I post, I'll list a "Fun Fact" or something of the sort.  Maybe one day all the facts will come together and you'll discover that I'm actually your real life best friend!  But who knows.  

Have a fabulous day.
